Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<offset> (offset) that part of a relative temporal or spatial expression which indicates the direction of the offset between the two place names, dates, or times involved in the expression.
Attributes Global attributes and those inherited from placePart, temporalExpr

Module Declared in file teind2; Additional tag set for Names and Dates: enabled by TEI.names.dates
Class placePart; temporalExpr
May contain #PCDATA addSpan alt altGrp anchor cb certainty delSpan fLib fs fsLib fvLib fw gap index interp interpGrp join joinGrp lb link linkGrp milestone pb respons span spanGrp timeline
May occur within dateStruct placeName timeStruct
<!ELEMENT offset %om.RR; ( #PCDATA | %m.Incl; )*> 
<!ATTLIST offset  
See further 20.2 Place Names

Up: 35 Elements