Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<exceptions> documents ways in which a writing system declaration differs from the coded character sets, base writing system declarations, and entity sets which form its bases.
Attributes Global attributes only
     name='-//TEI P2: 1993//WSD TLG Beta code//en'
 <!-- ... -->
     <baseWsd name='-//TEI P2: 1993//WSD ISO 646 IRV//en'
        <character> <!-- ... --> </character>
        <character> <!-- ... --> </character>
        <!-- ... -->
Module Declared in file teiwsd2; Auxiliary tag set for Writing System Declarations
Data Description Contains a series of <character> elements, each documenting one character unit of the writing system.
May contain character
May occur within
<!ELEMENT exceptions %om.RO;  (character*)> 
<!ATTLIST exceptions  
See further 25.4.2 Exceptions in the WSD

Up: 35 Elements