Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<entDoc> (entity documentation) formally documents a single named entity used within an SGML or XML encoding scheme.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
type indicates whether this is a general or a parameter entity.
Datatype: (pe | ge)
Legal values are:
pe parameter entity
ge general entity
Default: #REQUIRED
<entDoc id="EXTPTR" type="pe">
  <rs>extended-pointer expression</rs>
  <desc>used as the declared value of an attribute, indicates that all
    values of that attribute must be valid expressions in the TEI
    extended pointer notation.</desc>
  <ptr target="SAXR1"/>
Module Declared in file teitsd2; Auxiliary DTD for Tag Set documentation
May contain desc entName equiv ptr remarks rs string
May occur within
<!ELEMENT entDoc %om.RR; (entName, rs?, desc, remarks?, string, ptr*, 
<!ATTLIST entDoc  
      type (pe | ge) #REQUIRED>
See further 27.3 Entity Documentation; 27 Tag Set Documentation

Up: 35 Elements